The term 'uthita' in Sanskrit means 'to stretch' and 'namaskara' means 'salutation'. The pose can also be considered a version of Garland Pose. It is also called Half Garland pose.
Extended Leg Squat Pose stimulates Root Chakra and promotes its performance. Proper functioning of Root Chakra promotes stability and sense of safety.
Other Benefits of Extended Leg Squat Pose
- The pose strengthens hips and improves hip flexibility.
- It stretches and strengthens the legs and improves flexibility in legs.
- It strengthens lower abdomen.
- Regular practice of the pose helps to stimulate functions of abdominal organs.
- It is an effective yoga pose for digestion.
- Stand on the mat.
- Keep your right leg about four feet away from the left leg.
- Shift the body's weight to your left leg.
- Exhale as you lower your hips. The left foot should be on the floor.
- Keep the right leg stretched completely with the right heel on the floor.
- Fold your hands and bring the palms together as in salutation.
- Hold the pose for 10 to 20 seconds. Draw in the stretched leg as in Garland Pose and come to standing position.
- Repeat the same procedure switching the legs.
In case of difficulty in holding the pose, place a yoga block or any other solid object in front of you and place your palms on the same for support.
Those with chronic low back pain, hip pain and joint pain should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 46 – Side Seated Angle Pose (Parsva Upavistha Konasana)
In Sanskrit, the term 'parsva' means 'side', 'upavistha' means 'seated' and 'kona' means 'angle'. Since the pose involves stretching your legs sideways at an angle it is named thus. Side Seated Angle Pose

Yoga Pose for Day 44 – Garland Pose (Malasana / Namaskarasana)
The terms ‘mala’ in Sanskrit means ‘garland’ and ‘namaskara’ means ‘greeting’. Since the body is in the shape of garland while in the pose it is called Garland Pose. The pose is also called Squat Pose. Garland Pose stretches

Yoga Pose for Day 43 – Bharadvaja’s Twist (Bharadvajasana)
Bharadvaja’s Twist is named after the sage Bharadvaja. This seated yoga pose stimulates Root chakra and Heart chakra. Proper functioning of Root chakra promotes sense of safety. Effective functioning of Heart chakra