Yoga for Health Conditions

Yoga for Health Conditions will be about yoga poses to treat various health related issues. Performing the poses mentioned for specified physical and psychological issues will help the practitioner be relieved of the health conditions.

It is highly recommended to take into account one's flexibility while performing a pose. Yoga blocks can be used for support.

Sending you our best wishes for a very healthy yoga session.

15 Simple Yoga Poses for Headaches Including Migraine

Blessed are those who get relieved from headache with a cup of coffee or two hours of sleep or may be after a breath of fresh air...

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15 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

Terms associated with stress relief including meditation and breathing techniques are trending search topics in Google these days. No wonder, considering the current global situation. Yes, corona has negatively impacted the mental makeup ...

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23 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Lung Health

Our lungs connect us with the universe. Every cell in our body needs oxygen to survive. Lungs inhale air and transports oxygen to the cells through blood and exhales carbon dioxide thereby maintaining the body in healthy ...

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14 Most Effective and Simple Yoga Poses for Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain has become one of the most common health conditions affecting global population. Work related neck pain apart...

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Most Effective Yoga Poses for Constipation

Ancient Siddhars have mentioned that constipation and indigestion are the root causes of all ailments. Constipation not only affects physical health but also negatively impacts mental health. According to studies,..

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15 Best Yoga Poses for Indigestion

The importance of having healthy digestive function can never be over emphasized. In one of our earlier posts, we had written about yoga for ...

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12 Best Yoga Poses to Boost Immunity

Physical labor, traditional foods, good sleep, good environment and staying stress-free contributed to the healthy immune system enjoyed by our ancestors. Times have changed now and corona has made things ...

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14 Best Yoga Poses for Anti-Ageing

Every birthday can bring in loads of memories and along with it can make the mind list all past accomplishments, abandoned efforts and a lengthy to-do-list...

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24 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is one of the most common health conditions these days. Out of the various reasons for back pain, the obvious reasons are the lifestyle and working pattern that are prevalent...

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Best Yoga Poses for Insomnia

Siddhars of ancient Tamilnadu have clearly mentioned that lack of sleep leads to various health conditions including constipation, indigestion, lack of clarity...

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16 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Heart Health
Various studies have been conducted across the world to assess the benefits of yoga. It has been proven by studies that yoga is effective for heart health. Read on to learn about 16 most effective yoga poses for heart...
The Most Effective Yoga Poses for Acid Reflux

Recent years have witnessed a great increase in the population suffering from acid reflux. A research conducted in Norway has announced that those suffering from acid reflux has increased by 50 percent in 10 years...

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14 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Arthritis

According to various studies, recent years have witnessed a global increase in people suffering from arthritic conditions, the types of which are over 100. Though it is said that there is no cure for this health issue, those ... 

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9 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Irregular Periods

Irregular periods, one of the negative impacts of present day work and lifestyle on the quality of women's life, has become more common in recent years. say researches. Yoga is an effective therapy to cure irregular periods naturally....

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7 Best Yoga Poses for Hair Growth

Hair loss is becoming an increasing concern in recent decades among global population. Various studies have proved that there is an increase in baldness in younger generation. It is also evident from researches that both men and women suffer from heavy hair fall in recent years. Out of the many home remedies for hair fall, yoga has been proven to be effective method to treat hair loss naturally at...

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Best Yoga Poses for Prolonged Sitting
Yoga Poses to Prevent Health Hazards of Prolonged Sitting

Right from obesity to heart conditions, the health risks associated with prolonged sitting are a great cause of concern. Performing the yoga poses ... 

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Best Yoga Poses for Eyesight
10 Best Yoga Poses to Improve Eyesight

According to statistics by various studies conducted across the globe, there is a tremendous increase in the number of people using spectacles or contact lens. Natural remedies for eyesight ...

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Best Yoga Poses for Prostate Gland Enlargement
Best Yoga Poses for Enlarged Prostate

According to various studies, prostate enlargement is common in men above 50 years of age. Approximately the size of a walnut, prostate is a part of reproductive system in men ...

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The Power of Fertility Yoga
18 Best Fertility Yoga Poses to Cure Infertility

Based on various studies between 1990 - 2021 on infertility, WHO has released a statement this year. According to the statement, about 1 in 6 persons experience infertility at some stage during ...

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Best Yoga Poses for Uterine Fibroids

According to a research based on data collected on uterine fibroids including incidence and mortality at global, regional and national level, incidence of uterine fibroids has increased over 65% in the last thirty years. This post covers the best yoga poses for uterine fibroids, which would mitigate symptoms and aid in prevention and cure when used along with prescribed remedies by experts in the field. 

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  • Similar to Keezhadi excavations which bring to light the rich past of the Thamizh civilization, Thirumoolar's Thirumanthiram draws our attention to the unbelievably rich knowledge possessed by ancient Thamizh civilization in the field of medicine. It will be only right to say that Thirumoolar would have been the world's first anatomical scientist. 
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