Mudras have been practiced since thousands of years by ancient civilizations across the world. The practice of mudras, meaning gestures, is mentioned in ancient texts, which goes to show the depth of wisdom possessed by the people of the past.
Five Elements and Mudras
The five elements in the universe, namely, earth, water, fire, air and space are present in humans; they govern the body and mind. These five elements need to be balanced to support physical and psychological health of humans.
Every finger is associated with an element.
Thumb - Fire
Index finger - Air
Middle finger - Space
Ring finger - Earth
Water - Little finger
Positioning specific fingers in specific patterns stimulate function of associated element.
Benefits of Practicing Mudras
Every mudra has specific benefits to offer. Practicing mudras can offer loads of health benefits including:
- Boosts immune function
- Balances the three doshas, namely, vatha, pitha and kapha
- Supports lung health
- Regulates heart function
- Improves brain function
- Regular practice of the pose helps to strengthen the nervous system.
- Promotes flow of life force
- Supports skin health
- Regulates digestive function
- It is an effective yoga pose for insomnia
- Relieves stress and promotes calm
We will cover various mudras and their benefits in this section.
Questions and Answers About Mudras
Before we proceed with learning how to perform various mudras and their benefits, here are some important points to note.
Detoxification Mudra
Mudra practitioners should commence their practice with Detoxification Mudra. This mudra has to be performed for 7 to 10 days...
Prana Mudra
Prana Mudra is one of the most important mudras. Practicing Prana Mudra helps to regulate flow of prana, the life force, which is indispensable for body mind health...
Mudras for Cold and Cough Relief
Even about 18 months back, there was not a lot of fuss about one catching cold. For ages, home remedies were always the go-to solution when one was down with cold and cough ...
Most Effective Mudras for Headaches Including Migraine
Mudras are powerful in treating various health conditions including headaches. Given below are the most effective mudras for headache relief...
Mudras for Stress Relief
Mental fatigue and stress are highly common in the current scenario where challenges get tougher with every minute. Mudras for stress relief are a great ...

Mudras for Lung Health
Out of the many amazing arts that our ancestors gifted us with, mudra therapy is among those that are still practiced by various civilizations around the world. Mudra for lung health is the need of the hour considering the pandemic phase that global population is going through.
Mudras for Neck Pain
By relieving tightness of neck and by strengthening neck, shoulders and upper back muscles, mudras aid in relieving neck pain...

Mudras for Constipation
We had earlier uploaded a post on yoga poses for constipation. This post covers the most effective mudras for constipation...
6 Most Effective Mudras for Indigestion
Hope you read our earlier post on 15 Best Yoga Poses for Indigestion. Read on for the best mudras for indigestion. These mudras relieve digestive disorders and improve digestion. Regular practice of these mudras also...
4 Best Mudras for Immunity
According to various studies, regular practice of yoga and mudras support optimal physical and mental health. Hope you read our earlier post on 12 best yoga poses for immunity. Today's post covers the most effective mudras to boost immune power...
4 Best Mudras for Insomnia
In an earlier post, we had covered the causes for insomnia, health conditions caused by lack of sleep and the most effective yoga poses for insomnia. Today...
7 Amazing Mudras for Heart Health
According to various studies, mudras play an important role in treating health issues. A study on the role of a particular mudra in preventing heart conditions has proven that the said mudra is highly effective in supporting heart health. Read on for the 7 amazing mudras for heart.
Most Effective Mudras for Acid Reflux
Mudras play an effective role as natural remedy for acid reflux. In an earlier post we had written about the most effective yoga poses for acid reflux. Today's ...