Chakras - Life Protectors

We have been constantly mentioning about chakras in our yoga asana posts. This section will be about the major chakras in the human body, their locations and their roles in keeping us healthy.

Major Chakras Are Eight, Not Seven

Generally it is said that chakras are the energy centers in the body, there are many chakras out of which seven are important and that every chakra is associated with an endocrine gland...

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Benefits of Root Chakra and Effective Ways to Unblock Your Root Chakra

Muladhara chakra, called the Root Chakra in English is the foundation for optimal well-being. 'Mula' in Sanskrit means 'root' and 'adhara' means 'foundation'...

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Benefits of Sacral Chakra and Effective Ways to Unblock Your Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra is the second major chakra in the human body. It is called Svadhishthana in Sanskrit, which means 'one's own abode'. 'Sva' means 'one's own', 'adhisthana' means 'abode'...

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Benefits of Solar Plexus Chakra and Effective Ways to Unblock Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of eight major chakras in the human body. Solar Plexus Chakra is called as Manipura Chakra in Sanskrit. 'Manipura' means 'lustrous jewel'...

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Benefits of Heart Chakra and Effective Ways to Unblock Your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra is the fourth of eight major chakras in the human body. Heart Chakra is called as Anahata Chakra in Sanskrit. 'Anahata' means 'unstruck', suggesting 'unstruck sound'... 

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Benefits of Throat Chakra and Effective Ways to Stimulate Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra is the fifth of eight major chakras in the human body. Throat Chakra is called as Visudhdhi or Visudhdha Chakra in Sanskrit. 'Visudhdhi' means 'very pure'...

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Benefits of Ajna and Guru Chakras and How to Stimulate These Chakras

We have so far covered various information about each of the chakras starting from the first to the fifth chakra in separate posts. Now, we are going to cover the sixth and seventh chakras in ... 

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Benefits of Crown Chakra and Effective Ways to Stimulate Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra is the eighth of eight major chakras in the human body. Crown Chakra is called as Sahasrara Chakra in Sanskrit. 'Sahasrara' means 'thousand petals'. Crown Chakra is located ...

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