Yoga Poses

Yoga Poses

Yoga Pose for Day 32 – Boat Pose (Navasana)

‘Nava’ in Sanskrit means ‘boat’. Since the pose resembles the shape of a boat, it is named thus. Just as a boat maintains balance on water, the pose helps to maintain body’s balance. This is achieved by the stimulation of Solar Plexus chakra and Sacral chakra. Proper functioning of these two chakras promotes self-esteem, self-confidence and determination. These traits

Yoga Poses

Yoga Pose for Day 31 – Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

‘Ustra’ in Sanskrit means ‘camel’. Camels are called ships of the desert for a reason. Not only they travel from one end of the desert to another, they can easily carry more than a couple of hundred kilograms on their backs while walking. Their lungs are so strong that they are able to comfortably handle such walking. Performing Camel Pose stretches the chest and improves lungs’ elasticity and


Yoga Pose for Day 29 – Seated Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)

‘Parvata’ in Sanskrit means ‘mountain’. It is believed to have acquired the name as the body resembles the shape of mountain while in the pose. Downward Facing Dog Pose is also called Parvatasana. The spine gets strengthened and stable and the body gets strong with regular practice of Seated Mountain Pose.

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