Yoga Poses

Yoga Pose for Day 34 – Lion Pose (Simhasana)

In Sanskrit, ‘Simha’ means ‘lion’. The tongue of the lion is a weapon in itself. Lion’s tongue has the power to tear its prey’s body. Roaring in Lion Pose strengthens platysma, which is a sheet of muscle that extends from collar bone to the angle of the jaw. It promotes

Yoga Poses

Yoga Pose for Day 32 – Boat Pose (Navasana)

‘Nava’ in Sanskrit means ‘boat’. Since the pose resembles the shape of a boat, it is named thus. Just as a boat maintains balance on water, the pose helps to maintain body’s balance. This is achieved by the stimulation of Solar Plexus chakra and Sacral chakra. Proper functioning of these two chakras promotes self-esteem, self-confidence and determination. These traits


Benefits of Silent Humming Bee Breath

  பிராமரி பிராணாயாமம் செய்முறை மற்றும் பலன்கள் பற்றி முன்னர் பார்த்தோம். பிராமரி பிராணாயாமத்தை மேலும் சில வகைகளிலும் செய்யலாம். இன்று நாம் இரண்டாவது வகையான அமைதியான பிராமரி பிராணாயாமம் செய்முறையை பார்க்கலாம். அடிப்படை

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  • Similar to Keezhadi excavations which bring to light the rich past of the Thamizh civilization, Thirumoolar's Thirumanthiram draws our attention to the unbelievably rich knowledge possessed by ancient Thamizh civilization in the field of medicine. It will be only right to say that Thirumoolar would have been the world's first anatomical scientist. 
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